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USP Unique Selling Position

Unique Selling Proposition


USP- What is the definition of it?

USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition (or Point) and every business needs one.

It’s easy to spot a USP once you see one in action. It’s the service or product that you offer that no other business is currently offering to their clients.

It’s what your business stands for.

It’s how you’re different.

Your USP is why consumers should do business with you, versus the competition. It’ll also be the reason they keep coming back to your business.

And contrary to popular belief, your USP can (and should) change over time, as market needs change, audiences prioritize different things and your overall industry grows and shifts.

That being said, your original USP will continue to deliver on the promise you made – it will just evolve over time.

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Example of a Unique Selling Proposition

You may be thinking: This isn’t going to workWhat do I have to offer my customers that my competitors aren’t already giving them?

After all, how many clothing stores, groceries, hardware stores, online stores, and gas stations are out there?

And yet, each one of them has its own unique selling proposition that attracts a certain type of customer.

HelloFresh, a meal kit delivery company, offers the following USP: America’s Most Popular Meal Kit.

That’s their selling point – what they’re offering that the other meal kit companies aren’t. They’re the most popular choice, which provides social proof and validation. Just this alone will entice new customers to purchase from them so that they too are part of the “club”.

Make sense?

If you look at their landing page, they include multiple benefits, all within their USP, such as:

• Offering the largest recipe variety on the market of meal kit delivery services.
• They have the most 5-star reviews of all meal kit companies.
• They test each recipe 45 times to make sure each one is simple to make and delicious.
• And finally, they require no commitment, allowing people to cancel at any time.

If you’re in the market for a meal kit delivery service, you’ll likely be attracted to a USP like that: America’s most popular.

Their USP has done the work at showcasing that they’re the ‘chosen’ company – the one that most Americans have decided to use, which goes the distance in assuring potential customers that they should also subscribe to their service.

What is the purpose of a unique selling proposition?

Take a look at what these USP’s actually do.

They go beyond just a catchy phrase or slogan. Each part of their USP tells you one important point about the company’s product and service.

Each one highlights something their competitors aren’t doing.

And most importantly, every component of their USP answers the question,

“Why should I choose your business over another?”

And that’s the question you should be asking yourself about your own business when it comes time to create a unique selling proposition.

You may not think that your business has a unique selling proposition… that it isn’t different from another, but it is.

 Tips on how to create an effective unique selling proposition

Your story, the reason behind creating your brand, your goals, and why/how you plan to help your market are all part of the foundation behind a successful USP.

Weave your own unique story into your notes when coming up with ideas for your USP.  But make sure others will relate to it.

Your USP will and always should focus on how your products or services benefit your customer – not how it benefits you – but your own story is often an easy starting point when evaluating your business and how it’s different.

So, start by jotting down notes about your business. Cover all angles, including why you decided to start your business and how you will help others.

You must believe in yourself and your business if you want to create a convincing USP. Without confidence and enthusiasm, you’re not going to be able to stand out.

You need to be as excited about your products and services as you want your customers to be.

Are you ready to create your own winning Unique Selling Proposition?



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