Social Media Management

Premium course




12 Assessments, 12 Lessons

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Social Media Management

Module 1- Course Introduction

1 Assessment, 1 Lesson

Premium course

Welcome to our course on creating a professional social media marketing calendar. Whether you're managing social media for your own business or for clients, this course will help you boost productivity and consistency. With a structured calendar, you'll eliminate random marketing acts, align your strategies with specific goals, and discover the power of automation and outsourcing. Let's dive in and supercharge your social media marketing efforts!

Module 2: Social Media Calendar System

2 Assessments, 2 Lessons

Premium course

This lesson provides an insightful overview of social media marketing, emphasizing strategic goal-setting, platform selection based on audience behavior, and the importance of diverse content types, especially video. It highlights the multifunctionality of social media in branding, lead generation, and customer support, and stresses the necessity of developing key skills like photography, video creation, and copywriting to effectively manage and create compelling content.

Premium course

This lesson introduces a structured approach to developing a social media marketing calendar, showcasing how to effectively plan and schedule content using tools like Google Calendar. It underscores the importance of aligning content with business goals, starting ambitiously with a "content every day" strategy, and fine-tuning based on capacity and results. The lesson emphasizes the entire content lifecycle, from research and preparation to posting and continuous improvement, ensuring that social media efforts are both strategic and manageable within the broader context of business operations

Module 3- Social Media Marketing Productivity

4 Assessments, 4 Lessons

Premium course

This lesson outlines a strategic approach to outsourcing social media marketing, emphasizing the necessity of establishing a solid understanding and internal processes before engaging external resources. The guide advises developing in-house expertise, validating strategies for effectiveness, and providing freelancers with detailed instructions to ensure their work aligns with your business objectives. It also underscores the importance of maintaining oversight even after tasks are outsourced to ensure continuous quality and alignment with business goals.

Premium course

This lesson discusses the strategic approaches to social media posting, focusing on the balance between automation, outsourcing, and personal presence. It underlines that while automation, through tools like Hootsuite or SocialOof, offers convenience and time-saving benefits, it lacks the personal touch essential for genuine engagement. Outsourcing, although a potential means to generate content, may lead to substantial costs without guaranteeing returns, especially if not managed effectively. The key takeaway is the importance of personal presence in social media activities. Occasional personal inputs or live sessions can significantly enhance the perceived authenticity of your social media presence, making automated and outsourced content feel more 'in the moment'. Balancing these strategies ensures your social media presence is not only efficient but also resonates with your audience.

Premium course

This lesson delves into the time investment required for different types of social media postings, dispelling the myth that social media marketing is overly time-consuming if managed efficiently. It outlines the varying durations needed for creating content, ranging from a quick 5-minute photo post to more extensive tasks like a 1-2 hour podcast episode. The lesson emphasizes the learning curve for beginners, noting that initial content creation will take longer but will become more efficient with experience and practice. It advises starting slowly, avoiding frustration by comparing oneself with more experienced influencers, and progressively building speed and proficiency in content creation.

Premium course

Lesson 7 highlights the importance of strategic consideration in the use of a social media calendar, especially during a business's experimental phase or when a cohesive marketing strategy is not yet established. It advises against rigorous social media scheduling without a clear understanding of the business's marketing needs, emphasizing that a flexible, skeletal approach to social media is preferable during initial stages. The lesson underscores the necessity of integrating social media efforts into an overarching marketing plan to avoid random efforts and ensure every action is purposeful and aligned with broader business objectives.

Module 4 - Full Marketing Calendar Expansion

1 Assessment, 1 Lesson

Premium course

The video transitions from focusing solely on social media marketing to crafting an extensive marketing calendar, particularly for local businesses. These businesses, despite their service diversity, share similarities in marketing strategies due to their reliance on local clientele. The tutorial emphasizes the shift from traditional directories like the Yellow Pages to modern digital platforms, with Google being a primary point of contact for potential customers. A highlight of the lesson is the enumeration of top marketing strategies for local businesses, placing a well-designed, high-converting website at the forefront. This approach stresses the importance of a holistic marketing view, where social media is integrated as one crucial component of a broader, well-structured marketing strategy.

Module 5: Your Social Media Library

2 Assessments, 2 Lessons

Premium course

This lesson ntroduces the concept of maintaining a content repository for efficient management and reuse of social media posts. The lesson highlights the importance of identifying and storing evergreen content—content that remains relevant over time, such as educational or sales material. By categorizing and tracking the performance of posts, including their virality and sales effectiveness, businesses can strategically repost content to maintain engagement, boost traffic, and promote sales without the constant need for new content creation. The tutorial suggests using a basic Excel spreadsheet to organize content by category, type, last promoted date, priority, and content specifics, ensuring quick and easy access for reposting. This approach not only streamlines the social media management process but also breathes new life into successful content, making the social media strategy more effective and time-efficient.

Premium course

Lesson 10 introduces the tool Linktree, a service designed to streamline and consolidate the multitude of links a business or individual may have across various platforms. Linktree addresses the common issue of link management by providing a singular, centralized location where all significant links (such as social media profiles, websites, or specific content) can be stored and easily accessed. The lesson walks through the process of setting up a Linktree account, emphasizing the ease of use and the utility of having a "one-link-fits-all" solution. This approach not only simplifies the sharing process but also enhances the visibility of a user's entire digital presence, ensuring that followers or potential clients can explore all facets of their online activities effortlessly.

Module 6 - What You Can Outsource And Automtate

1 Assessment, 1 Lesson

Premium course

This lesson emphasizes the efficiency of automating content scheduling and posting, utilizing tools like Social Oomph and Hootsuite for maintaining a consistent online presence across platforms. While these tools facilitate bulk scheduling and sharing, creating core content like writing and filming videos remains complex to outsource due to the necessity of personal input. The content underlines blending automation with a bit of outsourcing by delegating the management of these tools to freelancers, thereby optimizing the content creation process.

Module 7 - Social Media Roles For Different Projects

1 Assessment, 1 Lesson

Premium course

This lesson explores the strategic use of social media marketing across various projects. The speaker emphasizes that the effectiveness of social media varies based on the project and platform. For a book on Amazon, the focus is on internal platform marketing rather than social media, due to the limited initial reach of social platforms. For a YouTube music project, the strategy prioritizes enhancing discoverability within YouTube itself. However, for a unique and social product like the '' t-shirt store, social media is considered potentially effective due to the product's engaging nature. The lesson underscores tailoring marketing strategies to the project's context and the inherent strengths of the distribution platform.


About the teacher


Welcome to DIY Web Marketer! Our mission is to empower the do-it-yourself online marketer with the essential training and tools needed to thrive in the digital world. Whether you're a small business owner, entrepreneur, or simply looking to enhance your online presence, our comprehensive resources are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for success.

At DIY Web Marketer, we understand that navigating the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing can be overwhelming. That's why we offer a wide range of training modules that cover topics such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and more. Our step-by-step tutorials and expert guidance will help you master these essential skills and implement effective marketing strategies.

In addition to our training programs, we also provide a suite of powerful tools to streamline your online marketing efforts. From keyword research and competitor analysis to website optimization and analytics tracking, our tools are designed to save you time and maximize your results.

Whether you're new to online marketing or looking to level up your skills, DIY Web Marketer is your go-to resource. Join our community of like-minded individuals and take control of your online marketing journey. Visit us at to get started today!

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